Archive for April, 2012
- 04/30/2012: Wake Up (Paul)
- 04/29/2012: Google News: Robots aren’t perfect at this (Paul)
- 04/28/2012: A little secret about Crate & Barrel (Paul)
- 04/27/2012: Oreos in Milk (Paul)
- 04/26/2012: Cheeseburger-crusted pizza (Paul)
- 04/25/2012: Dialup, still? (Paul)
- 04/24/2012: Happy birthday, Danny Gokey! (Paul)
- 04/23/2012: Dick Clark: One More Thing (Paul)
- 04/22/2012: The Perfect Game (Paul)
- 04/21/2012: Record Store Day (Ryan)
- 04/20/2012: Spam Books (Paul)
- 04/19/2012: Fifth Avenue Frogger (Ryan)
- 04/18/2012: Dick Clark (Paul)
- 04/17/2012: Fingernail art (Ryan)
- 04/16/2012: An Idea for an ISP (Paul)
- 04/15/2012: Do the Bert Thing (Ryan)
- 04/14/2012: The Sideways Buttonhole (Paul)
- 04/13/2012: The Berenstain Bears Get X-TREEEEEEEME! (Ryan)
- 04/12/2012: It fits the whole thing (Paul)
- 04/11/2012: Newsflash: If all Indians talked on their cellphones while using the toilet, some Indians would still be standing (Ryan)
- 04/10/2012: Caine’s Arcade (Paul)
- 04/9/2012: Crappy tweets (Ryan)
- 04/8/2012: Panda Cheese (Paul)
- 04/7/2012: Hat tip (Ryan)
- 04/6/2012: Fitted Sheets (Paul)
- 04/5/2012: Vinyl as a waveform (Ryan)
- 04/4/2012: Dead Cats Tell No Tails (Paul)
- 04/3/2012: A fact about floss (Ryan)
- 04/2/2012: Oyster (Paul)
- 04/1/2012: April Fools 2012 (Ryan)