Sometimes there’s a website that changes your life. And then there’s Awkward Stock Photos, which is just damn funny.
Posted in Just Plain Odd
Fred "Rerun" Barry once commented here.
Sometimes there’s a website that changes your life. And then there’s Awkward Stock Photos, which is just damn funny.
Posted in Just Plain Odd
The Daily Ping is the web's finest compendium of toilet information and Oreo™® research. Too much? Okay, okay, it's a daily opinion column written by two friends. Did we mention we've been doing this for over ten years? Tell me more!
COD February 10, 2012, 11:33 am
I don’t know what to say about this one, but I feel as though as though something needs to be said.
Paul February 10, 2012, 11:54 am
That is truly, truly great.