It took me almost four years to answer my question about Netflix, but I’m there: Netflix is worth it. Oh, how is it worth it.
And I’m declaring this after one day. Really.
Here’s why: instant streaming. Yeah, yeah, the selection isn’t stellar (although I think the quantity is fine). But the experience is just top-notch. Until a Roku box may enter our home we’re just using our computers through our HDTV with Boxee. We watched a few episodes of Weeds for starters and once I took care of a technical difficulty (my fault, not Netflix’s), everything was fine. No stuttering on the streaming at all. HD quality with a tinge too much compression at times, but not noticeable for most things. And just… convenient.
I’ve been a big proponent of Redbox and still will be. But streaming and DVDs mailed? That’s really hard to beat.
The video store is dead, and I don’t miss it.
Posted in Television, Movies, and Music
Paul March 24, 2011, 12:24 pm
As a late follow up to this Ping, I will say that Netflix is still absolutely and totally worth it. The ability to stream on multiple devices (TV, phone, tablet, etc.) is just marvelous. And $8/month? Sold.