While I use Facebook to connect with old friends, I’m still not a 100% advocate of it and its myriad of crappy associated applications. However, I think I’ve finally come across a killer use for it: making a Facebook Group dedicated to the neighborhood you grew up in.
This week, on a whim, I started a simple group page for friends from my old neighborhood and invited the eight other people from the ‘hood that are on Facebook at the moment. All but one has accepted so far and while it’s not super active, by any means, we’ve already started talking about friends that moved away and we all lost touch with and all the little secrets of the woods we grew up in, like “Devil’s Pit.”
While I couldn’t care less about Scrabulous disappearing, I do appreciate Facebook for its most simple application: reconnecting with childhood friends and reminiscing about old times until you can get together again and do it in person.
Posted in Technology