My own bidet accident got me to thinking: have there been many toilet-related deaths throughout history?
Sure, we all know about Elvis and according to Poop Report, “A year ago, a retired police officer who went by the e-handle of ‘Harry the cop’ told us that in the course of his career, he and the other police officers found a really amazing number of people died on the toilet–they gave themselves strokes or heart attacks while busting grumpies.”
There’s also the case of 27-year-old Javier Halos, who was killed by his landlord for failing to pay his rent. The landlord clubbed Javier to death with a toilet seat when he realized it had been eight years since his tenant had last paid (!!!).
One of the characters from The Sopranos had a heart attack on the can. The actor wasn’t pleased with his character going out that way.
There’s some disagreement about Mirza Qadiani died on the toilet.
George II died on the toilet after his breakfast beverage of chocolate.
How about you? Have you ever died on the toilet?
Posted in Toilets
Joseph October 10, 2007, 5:47 pm
I haven’t, but world-renowned architect Louis Kahn died on the shitter in Penn Station. This, I learned in architecture school and is about the only fact I really recall from those days.
king charles II November 9, 2011, 7:55 pm