I forgot how long it’s been since I’ve had a lazy Sunday morning. Sure, having the kiddo around makes things a little more hectic in the mornings, but even before she was born, it still felt like Sundays were the day I had to get a lot of stuff done before the week started up.
This morning, though, was a very pleasant, unplanned lazy Sunday morning. The girl slept in until 9am (aside from a brief 8am potty break) and the dog sacked out in the guest room before breakfast. Just starting the day at 9 rather than 7 makes a big difference. Then, we went for a nice walk, had a near-perfect breakfast of scrambled tofu and coffee, and as Rasine went down for her late morning nap, I watched some TV, read a book, checked my e-mail, and wrote this Ping. In fact, it’s still so quiet, the only thing I can hear right now is the fridge.
I should admit that Rasine did have a screaming fit between the walk and the breakfast, but quickly got over it. Teething sucks.
I think I could get used to this.
Posted in Everyday Life