The Daily Ping

The Ping is self-aware.

September 10th, 2006


So we’re moving again (it’s September, after all) and we’re perusing craigslist for moving boxes. In the past we’ve scored nearly all of our boxes that way – free boxes are great.

Something that seems to be new, at least to the Chicago craigslist, is people charging money for moving boxes. I’m not sure how I feel about this. On the one hand, if I go buy a 30-box pack down at Costco I probably don’t want to give them away. On the other hand, they’re just boxes.

And in case your business side was bubblin’, let it simmer: there was a listing for a company that sold… used moving boxes. Amazing.

Posted in Everyday Life

Dave Walls September 10, 2006, 6:37 am

How odd that I’m moving this week, too! (Rehoboth Beach, DE job!)

One thing I’ve used, whether I’m supposed or not, are the hard plastic containers that drug stores, like Walgreen’s, Eckerd’s..etc., use to receive shipments of things. They are durable, have handles built in, and though a bit heavier to carry, make loading and unloading in a car or van SO much easier.

That said, most stores probably don’t like you taking them. I grabbed some from a local Eckerd’s last time, but returned them afterwards because, hey, what the hell am I gonna do with 25 bright orange bins that say “Eckerd’s” on the side?

Steve A September 10, 2006, 12:22 pm

Dumpster dive, partner! Go in back of stores to their dumpsters. You’ll find boxes of all sizes and shapes. Some even in good condition. LOL.


COD September 10, 2006, 1:06 pm

I’ve seen a commerical truck around the DC area several times with or something like that on the side. As a business, it seems like a great idea. Keeps all that bulky cardboard out of the landfills too…

jk September 10, 2006, 4:06 pm

Go to the GAP or Old Navy and tell them you will take their shipment boxes; they will hug you!! (And they will give them to you for free.)

Paul September 10, 2006, 10:30 pm

Hadn’t thought of Gap/Old Navy – thanks, jk!

In the past we’ve taken paper boxes (with approval, of course) from offices and Kinko’s. Those are perhaps the best moving boxes ever: the size is great, they have lids, they are pretty.

Aanen September 11, 2006, 4:18 pm

when I worked at the grocery store, we had people ask us for egg boxes and paper towel boxes all the time.

What is this then?

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