Given the advance of digital music, I realized the other day that it’s been years since I purchased a new cassette. At this point, I don’t even remember the first cassette I bought – but I remember very fondly buying C+C Music Factory’s Gonna Make You Sweat at Sound Warehouse.
But the last cassette? Easy. It was a single of R.E.M.’s “What’s the Frequency, Kenneth?” which came out in late 1994, if memory serves. That means that yes, I haven’t purchased a new cassette in ten years.
It’s a little scary, I suppose, but then I’m sure that most Pingers haven’t purchased a new record in quite some time.
Posted in Television, Movies, and Music
Ken July 3, 2007, 6:13 am
I am 17 now, but jan. 5 2005 i was 13…wow