Hey, remember Dot Com Guy? Ryan felt he was pretty stupid back in 2000, and I can’t say I disagreed.
The funny thing is that he’s now – now! – going back to his regular name. Check out this marketingese-filled page explaining the decision. Plus, you can buy the trademark. Imagine: a whole life filled with associations of silly business plans and even sillier publicity stunts!
It would make the perfect Christmas gift this year. What’s that? It’ll be gone by Christmas? I don’t think so.
Posted in Just Plain Odd
darren September 1, 2006, 11:04 pm
Dotcomguy was excellent it was like big brother only for a whole year the only downside to it was that broadband speeds were not up to much at that point so streaming was almost impossible but now i think it should be re-done i would gladly do it 🙂
THE COOKIMAKER September 2, 2010, 8:29 am
I think it was a very interesting experiment in 2000.
But today it’s normal to order thinks in the Internet.
I thinke he was verv craisy and I won’t do this.
iMusix January 21, 2011, 1:39 pm
Well, he achieved his goal of being noticed… i mean he’s and an article about him stands in my schoolbook for some reason…
Rosie March 8, 2011, 5:39 pm
I **LOVED** DotComGuy ‘back in the day’! I was mostly homebound due to illness and even though he didn’t really talk to us (viewers) that much, he became like, my neighbor. No! I’m not a nut job I was sick. I was stuck at home. and I was pretty new to the Internet as a whole. I would check in on DCG in the morning, again sometime in the afternoon, and I would join his evening chats. After he’d been there for a long while though, it became less interesting to me because he was having a lot of events, parties, etc.. Not that one shouldn’t socialize, but how hard is your project when you just have all your friends come to your place.
Anyhoo… I really loved DotComGuy’s experiment and aside from the things everyone thinks is stupid, his project and point were interesting and cutting edge for the time.