So last week I came down with a small cold, and that allowed me to use one of my favorite drugs: NyQuil. It’s great because, well, it puts you to sleep. Oh, sure, it takes care of your symptoms temporarily. But more importantly, it puts you to sleep.
But there is one small side effect with NyQuil, which I call the NyQuil Wakeup. It starts innocently enough; you’re sleeping in a fine drug-induced, dry-nose state. But then, at 3:41am, you wake up. And you’re awake. The NyQuil has checked out, worn off, and generally said sayonara to your body. Your nose? Plugged, maybe sniffly. But you’re awake. Really awake.
So, the dilemma becomes: do I take more NyQuil? Will it make me too drowsy during the waking hours of the morning? Or do I tough it out, with a box of tissues at my bedside table?
I do like NyQuil, but if I could really sleep through the night with it, I’d be a lot happier with it.
Posted in Everyday Life