When I graduated high school, we had a streaker. When I graduated college, the sun was so intense you could see a line across my head where my sunburn stopped and where my mortarboard started.
Share your graduation stories, won’t you?
Posted in Everyday Life
kori December 2, 2012, 1:56 pm
I am graduating college, have been at it for six years. I haven’t any clue what to do next…as the term nears it’s end I have found myself on an emotional rollercoaster. I pace everywhere and anywhere, I pull my hair out standing in the bus mall-look like the crazies, I laugh out loud for no reason-actually the reason is because I know I am nearing the end of something that has been so constant in my life I am scared shitless…The advisors tell you how to sign up for classes, but they do not prepare you very well for this day, the last day of your finals of your last term. WTF do I do now, I want grad school-am I smart enough? How do I just stay in school, I mean i only have 262 credits of nothing under a liberal studies degree….didn’t shoot myself in the foot with that or anything…. OMG, why can’t I just pull my shit together and not be so crazy…. what do I do now?????