The Daily Ping

Apple did not consult with us when they named Ping, Ping.

May 9th, 2002

Golden Girls

I try to avoid it… I try to admit to myself that I’m not a 60-year-old woman with grey hair living in Florida… I try to deal with the fact I don’t have a “lanai.” But I can’t deal with the reality…

I love the Golden Girls.

Rose’s blissful ignorance… Blanche’s blatant sexuality… Sophia’s clever stories (and that damn handbag she carries everywhere)… and Dorothy’s downright sexiness… alright, maybe not that last one. Whatever the case, there’s something about those four blue haired ladies that I can’t resist… if I make it home by 6:30, it becomes my background viewing while I make dinner. If I’m awake for the pair of evening episodes, it’s the last thing I watch before bed.

Afterall, Lifetime’s TV for Women was made for me, right?

Would all other closet Golden Girls fans please stand up…

Posted in Television, Movies, and Music

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