The Daily Ping

Not a toilet in the country has not been affected by the Ping in one way or another.

May 3rd, 2002

Weather Underground

A while back I discussed the best weather sites on the Net. At the time, I named Accuweather as the top pick, but I have to say that in the last few months, I’ve revised that. Maybe all the ads on their page got to me.

Now, I’m a bigger fan of Weather Underground, a site that’s been around for as long as I can remember. They offer up clean, concise, but complete weather information around the world, gathering information from many local weather stations. The site has a few ads, but they’re easy to get rid of. For a mere $5/year you can subscribe to their site. This means no more ads, an option to receive weather-based e-mail alerts (I’m always the first to know about flood warnings!), and a nicely customizable first page, with weather information about selected locations available at a glance.

In my dreams, I’m a weather geek, and Weather Underground manages to satisfy all my windy, rainy, sunny desires.

Posted in Technology, Weather

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