Remember when Jerry Springer was a watchable show? Now, you’ll have to think back some time – we’re talking mid- and early-90s here. But at one point, Jerry actually had pseudo-normal topics on his talk show. I don’t know if you’ve seen this train wreck in the past couple of years, but oh man, it’s bad.
I’m not expecting quality television from Jerry, by any stretch, but the show is barely one at that. From what I can tell, it has taken the talk show to its most ridiculous, simplistic form: a bunch of stereotypes on stage for an audience to laugh at. The people I’ve seen on the show have fulfilled almost every single stereotype you can imagine… and yet, people in the audience treat them like garbage. It’s gotten weird, because the show no longer even purports to treat these folks like people – they’re just things, now.
A number of years ago, Jerry made local news when NBC 5 – the network that broadcast his show – announced he would be a commentator on their 10pm News. This caused both principal anchors to defect after nearly 20 years together – and the stunt only lasted a few weeks. Thing is, even then, Jerry Springer’s show had some semblance of a talk show. Now? Nothing.
It’s one of the few winners of 3 Thumbs Down on TiVo, and every time I pass it by, I pray the batteries in my remote don’t go into shock. -pm
Posted in Television, Movies, and Music