It’s an interesting field, and today was the first mainstream news story I had seen about it (via the Obscure Store): Boca Raton art teacher suspended over pupils’ sketches of terror. An elementary art teacher told her students it was OK to draw pictures of last week’s events. But, a parent of a second-grader called the school to complain.
The teacher said, “Often, kids, depending on age or development level, … don?t have the words or ability to verbally express what they?re feeling, so giving them an outlet such as art-making or any other creative modalities ? movement, music, drama ? gives them alternatives for expressing their experience.”
One concern was that “the danger comes when someone who’s untrained in art therapy tries to interpret what a child is drawing, or uses it to diagnose a problem.” However, it doesn’t seem to me that the teacher was playing that role, but was following the first branch of art therapy that I had mentioned above, encouraging her students to express themselves artistically to deal with the inner conflicts they must surely be feeling.
Bowes said she wasn’t trying to be a therapist, just an art teacher. It certainly sounds that way to me. -ram
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