Archive for October, 2000
- 10/31/2000: Mischief Night (Ryan)
- 10/30/2000: Jackass (Paul)
- 10/29/2000: Halloween Costumes (Ryan)
- 10/28/2000: Doin’ the Presidential Warp (Paul)
- 10/27/2000: The Return of My Teac (Ryan)
- 10/26/2000: Audrey (Paul)
- 10/25/2000: MyVeggiePatch (Ryan)
- 10/24/2000: Befuddled (Paul)
- 10/23/2000: Bert is Evil (Ryan)
- 10/22/2000: Hot and Cold Media (Paul)
- 10/21/2000: Patently Unique (Ryan)
- 10/20/2000: Old Ads (Paul)
- 10/19/2000: New TLDs (Ryan)
- 10/18/2000: Tom Arnold (Paul)
- 10/17/2000: Fat Project (Ryan)
- 10/16/2000: Headlines from a Parallel Universe (Paul)
- 10/15/2000: The Personics System (Ryan)
- 10/14/2000: Useless Site Award: AT&T Broadband (Paul)
- 10/13/2000: The Faux Wallet (Ryan)
- 10/12/2000: As Seen On TV (Paul)
- 10/11/2000: Alumni Sites (Ryan)
- 10/10/2000: Ages of Importance (Paul)
- 10/9/2000: The One Little Application You Couldn’t Live Without (Ryan)
- 10/8/2000: Yugo (Paul)
- 10/7/2000: Freaks and Geeks (Ryan)
- 10/6/2000: The Rise and Fall of (Paul)
- 10/5/2000: Zippy the Pinhead (Ryan)
- 10/4/2000: Yahoo! Everything (Paul)
- 10/3/2000: Bombardment (Ryan)
- 10/2/2000: Turn Popups Off (Paul)
- 10/1/2000: Ethics: Separate the Conjoined Twins? (Ryan)