The Daily Ping

Not a toilet in the country has not been affected by the Ping in one way or another.

November 14th, 2001


Over the years, I’ve found bookmarks almost useless.

I don’t read a lot of books (nobody’s perfect), but when I was younger I used to have a couple of favorite bookmarks – both with Garfield prominently featured. When Star Trek: TNG was popular, I had a few TNG bookmarks (as expected). But, the thing is, I don’t really use them. I tend to just fold over the corner of a page and be done with it.

I mention this in part because I picked up a complimentary Cliff’s Notes bookmark at a shop this weekend. It’s sitting in between my tape dispenser and my stapler, awaiting its first use. Chances are it’ll be recycled.

Do you use bookmarks? -pm

Posted in Technology

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