The Daily Ping

Ain't no party like a Ping party!

February 23rd, 2011

Christmas Lights

OK, get this, folks: there’s a house in our neighborhood that still has Christmas lights up. And they turn them on. And it’s not just a few twinkly white lights that could be taken as “winter decorations”: they’re colored Christmas lights. AND there are still ribbons and wreaths up, too.

What really strikes me about this, nearly two months after Christmas Day, is that they surely know they’re still turning these lights on. It’s not like a stray candle left in a forgotten window. These lights are being actively turned on each night. It’s a decision they’re making.

And while it makes me really wonder about the family in that house, I also kind of admire their boldness.

Posted in Just Plain Odd

Paul February 23, 2011, 10:20 am

This is really odd, I’ve got to say. I’ve seen a house here or there with lights and wreaths still up, but not *on*.

COD February 23, 2011, 10:44 am

There is a house in our neighborhood that just took the tree down about 2 weeks ago. And they were turning it on every night. A couple of years ago they kept it up and lit past Easter.

Ryan March 10, 2011, 11:26 pm

Just wanted to note that as of tonight, the lights are still being turned on.

And here’s a crappy cell phone photo I took a few weeks ago:

Ryan April 21, 2011, 1:22 pm

To finally bring this to a close, the lights stayed up and were turned on nightly through the first week of April.

Somewhere around April 13th, however, they were finally taken down. The Christmas spirit was pulled out from under me. What shall I do?

What is this then?

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