Yesterday while at a local ice cream shoppe, I couldn’t help but notice a swarm of ill-behaved children running through the store. At one point a SWAT team of two of them surrounded a candy vending machine, and I took a look at what they were going to eat.
It was, naturally, Crackheads. Oddly it has nothing to do with crack, but everything to do with insane amounts of caffeine.
Each box of Crackheads2® contains the same caffeine in approximately 6 cups of coffee, 7.5 Red Bull® energy drinks, or 11 cans of Mountain Dew®!.
Uh… great! That’s what 7-year-old boys need. Seriously.
At least it’s Kosher.
Posted in Food and Beverage
jk August 25, 2009, 1:57 am
Oh my gosh. That is horrific!
When kids misbehave in my store, I tell the parents that I gave them Mountain Dew. Maybe they are all just crackheads addicts!!