So, folks who know me know that I try extremely hard not to judge others’ food choices. You want to eat carrots all the time? Go for it. Ice cream breakfast? You go. (I do not, however, truly say, “You go.”)
But I couldn’t help but cringe while reading about the large Baskin-Robbins Chocolate Oreo Shake. And you know I like Oreos. But this? Is ridiculous.
It looks like everything in the nutrition facts is a typo. 2600 calories. 38g of protein. 1770mg of sodium. And 333 freaking grams of carbs? Uh… wow.
I’m not sure, but I strongly suspect that making this same item at home would present a very different set of nutrition facts. Maybe that’s the way to go? Just sayin’.
Posted in Food and Beverage
jk July 11, 2009, 2:22 am
2600 calories? Wow. Yes I could make a much nicer version here!
Maria July 12, 2009, 9:17 pm
I AM pleased to see it doesn’t contain crustaceans, though.