The Daily Ping

The 10,000th Ping will be published on May 24, 2027. Paul will be just about 50 years old.

February 1st, 2009

Super Bowl Day Haiku

Two teams, “meh” on both,
Still, root for the underdogs,
Just because, I guess.

Posted in Haiku, Sports

Dave Walls February 2, 2009, 7:02 pm

Mediocre Teams
The Eagles should have been there
At least there’s the ads.

jk February 3, 2009, 3:42 am

Does it make me old
To say Kurt Warner’s handsome?
I probably am.

What is this then?

The Daily Ping is the web's finest compendium of toilet information and Oreo™® research. Too much? Okay, okay, it's a daily opinion column written by two friends. Did we mention we've been doing this for over ten years? Tell me more!

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