The Daily Ping

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September 19th, 2000


The falltime is great for so many reasons: incredible weather, football season, the “new fall lineup” (that, this year, we won’t see until mid-late October in most cases), and — most importantly — pomegranates.

Though they’re only in season for about a month each year, pomegranates are one of my personal favorite fruits. Their seeds have the most delicious juice surrounding them, making it easy to spend 3 hours in front of a TV working on an entire pomegranate.

I always thought the pomegranate juice would be great to bottle. And it turns out that it’s available! On top of that, it’s also very good for you. And, if you have lots of patience (and lots of pomegranates), you can make your own (this page also has a load of other information). And here’s a nice wealth of info about this most unique of fruits. -ram

Posted in Food and Beverage

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