The Daily Ping

The original Ping was painfully written in Perl.

July 13th, 2006

Switching rooms

(I’m late! I’m late! For a very important date!)

In the next few months, we’re going to be having a guest join us and staying for somewhere in the neighborhood of 18 years. So, we’ve been clearing out what used to be our computer room/office/second guest room in preparation. The biggest part of the clearing out process has been the moving of the computer and all its related equipment. We bought a new desk since the old one was pretty enormous, drilled a hole through the wall to run the FIOS cable, and finally moved and reattached all of the equipment. It looks great, way better than before. The room is warmer feeling, there’s a better view out the window when working on the PC, and everything just feels nice and clean and open rather than the somewhat cluttered environment I had gotten used to.

So, I just want to take this moment to thank our guest for inspiring us to switch things up a bit, though I suspect this is just the start of things that will be switching up over the next few years…

Posted in Everyday Life

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