Last week or so I was listening to the radio, and an ad came on for Tweeter, the overpriced chain electronics store. The fellow on the ad was talking about how great flat-screen TVs are and he finally asked, “Are you looking for a smaller television for your bedroom?” My internal response was, “Well, actually, that’d be nice!”
Next he said, “How about the thirty-seven inch Mitsubishi?”
Thirty-seven inch TV? Smaller? For the bedroom? I dunno. I mean, that’d take up one of our walls and be about 17 inches bigger than our living room set. It got me wondering and a little worried, though, about the fact that a 37″ monster might be a smaller TV for a lot of people.
Next thing you know, we’ll be talking about putting those tiny 30″ TVs in the bathroom.
Posted in Consumer Commentary