I’d like to take a moment to give a very sincere and boisterous thank you to Willis Carrier. Mr. Carrier is the man who invented air conditioning as we know it today.
Air conditioning is something that we pretty much take for granted nowadays. Our houses are air conditioned (for the most part), our cars are, and our workplaces too. It’s so commonplace that it’s really hard to imagine a world without air conditioning. You go to work, it’s hot. You come home, it’s hot. You drive to the store, it’s hot on the way and it’s hot when you get there.
Oh, and if you don’t have A/C, you can roll your own for about $25.
But none of this – including the Ping – would be possible without air conditioning. Whether you have a splendid central air system, a middling room A/C unit or a home-made thingamajig that cools you down, let’s take a moment to remember the person who made it all possible: Willis Carrier. Thanks, Willis!
Posted in Everyday Life